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Building a Robot from Scratch in ROS

Published on 16 August, 2020

It has been a long time since I started working on Robot Operating System. The sole purpose of writing this blog/tutorial is making a documentation for my own use.

I will try to describe the whole process of creating a robot from scratch in a number of steps.

Step 1: Setting up the environment and Writing the robot Description

The code below creates a workspace named bot_ws and subsequently creates a package named sanbot

mkdir bot_ws cd prubot mkdir src cd src catkin_create_pkg sanbot roscpp urdf cd .. catkin_make cd src/sanbot/ mkdir urdf mkdir launch cd urdf touch description.urdf cd .. cd launch touch gazebo.launch

The code written in the code block spawns a cube in gazebo simulator.

A launch file is created to launch the description of the robot

Step 2: Designing a Custom Robot in Solidworks and Exporting it to URDF